I fell off a horse today.
It was my fault, really. I was being lazy and not paying attention, and then the other horse spooked, which spooked my horse and, well, lateral movement was not at the forefront of my mind just then.
It's gonna hurt worse in the morning.
But that's ok. My schedule is finally adjusted to the point where I'll be able to ride regularly once a week! I'm pretty excited about that. We'll see if I'm able to maintain a decent GPA along with the rest of my activities...and sleep is something that needs to be more of a priority this semester. But for the most part, I'm excited.
Tonight I am babysitting the duckie. The duckie is absolutely adorable, and while I love her to pieces, she has thoroughly convinced me that having children is not at the top of my "achieve before menopause" list. I don't know how mothers do it. I seriously don't. And I definitely don't know how they survive more than one little person who screams for no apparent reason for hours on end. Seriously. The child was obviously exhausted (she's finally sleeping now.....) but she just kept wailing. There would be brief moments of respite when she would suck on her sleeve and hiccup, but once her lungs recovered, she'd be back to screaming full force again. I'm only here for an evening and she's driven me closer to insanity. How do moms DO it???
Whew. Anyway. I should be writing a history assignment instead of a ranting random blog post.
Moms do it because they have something babysitters don't: boobs. In particular, boobs that can satisfy said screaming infant. I never remember my two little sisters screaming when they were babies. If they were about to start, I handed them off to mom, and they quieted right down. Funny thing, that... :-P Anyway I've always figured having my own children would be (had to be) easier than babysitting someone else's, which I've never particularly enjoyed.
hahaha! You have a point there; though I'm rather doubtful about the whole "it's different when they're your own" thing. Call me naive...or just not at that point yet :-P
I dunno..I mean, I know that taking care of my sisters (I was 12 when the first was born) was a lot easier than my babysitting jobs...so I envision that having your own is easier still. I mean, one of the hard things about babysitting (for me) is that the kid is always screaming for mom...but if you ARE mom... :-P Obviously there are those cases of colic and acid reflux and things like that where the baby cries no matter who they're with, but in my (albeit limited) experience, babies seem happier with mom than anyone else.
Yeah; I guess I wasn't really thinking about the whole attachment aspect from the kid's point of view. I'm just terribly practical in my thought patterns sometimes and can only think "yay. diapers and spitup. I can get that at work" :-P
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